With your support, we want to launch a new band.
The aim is to communicate current results from BioDiversity research for conservation in the form of cool songs. We want to hold an international casting and develop songs together with the winners and distribute them with the help of our international networks and cooperation partners.
With your financial support, you can contribute to making this unique project a success.
We are aiming for three successes:
1. knowledge exchange and sustainable action
2. collecting music awards, and
3. using part of the money generated from the sale of the songs for BioDiversity research and the preservation of nature.
The money from this crowdfunding campaign will be used for the casting and building the new band. Supporters can leave their contact details, suggest names for the new band and will be invited to an exclusive online concert of the band.
Be part of it ;)
We are already accepting first applications from individual artists or newcomer bands. Simply contact us at info@keepnaturealive.de. :: MUSIC FOR SAVING BIODIVERSITY ::