Take a look at our recent causes and projects! You can easily gather more information in order to decide, which of our projects you would like to support!
Saving the Northern White Rhinos from extinction
There are only two Northern White Rhinos left in the world, they are called Najin and Fatu and are both females. To save these charismatic animals from extinction seems impossible under these circumstances. An international consortium aims to make the seemingly impossible a reality and is developing methods of assisted reproduction and stem cell research.
8%Raised: 19 438 € 250 000 € -
Convert oilpalm plantations into rain forest – Climate Action
To prevent further habitat loss in Asia – a biodiversity hotspot – selected areas of oil palm plantations will be converted into near natural rainforest. These areas will reconnect habitats and form an important corridor for wildlife.
0%Raised: 256 € 280 000 € -
THE VOICE OF NATURE- Establishing a BioDiversity newcomer band – Indie meets alternative
With your support, we want to launch a new band. The aim is to communicate current results from BioDiversity research for conservation in the form of cool songs.
0%Raised: 25 € 80 000 € -
Conservation and Research Fund e.V. (CRF)
We live on a great planet. Its rich nature has made possible the life and civilisational achievements we know and appreciate. But this wealth is in danger, because with the progressive loss of wild, untouched nature, climate and biodiversity are coming under increasing pressure. The “Conservation and Research Fund” wants to contribute to reversing this trend. Its members develop science-based nature and species conservation concepts, for example for the renaturation of disturbed or destroyed habitats. Together with partners, they put these blueprints for evidence-based measures against climate change and species extinction into practice – in Germany, Europe and worldwide. Through education and communication initiatives, they disseminate knowledge about the nature of our planet and ways to protect it. The CRF e.V. is eligable to issue tax relevant donation receipts.
0%Raised: 9 € 50 000 €
Keep Nature Alive is a crowdfunding and communication platform aiming at making a difference for our planet’s biodiversity – for our and future generations. Keep Nature Alive supports internationally renowned institutions in biodiversity research and conservation, such as the Conservation and Research Fund e.V. (CRF).